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Divyamala Tiwari

Hey, My name is Divyamala Tiwari

Hi, I'm Divyamala Tiwari, a passionate web developer with a strong affinity for coding. I thrive on challenges and am always eager to expand my knowledge and skills. With a natural inclination to help others, I find great joy in assisting people in solving their web development problems. My dedication to learning fuels my constant pursuit of new technologies and methodologies in the ever-evolving world of web development. As someone who values collaboration and teamwork, I strive to create innovative and user-friendly web experiences that leave a lasting impact.

About Me I am a passionate web developer. Coding is my strength, and I thrive on creating innovative and user-friendly web solutions. With a strong background in web development, I am capable of working on both front-end and back-end technologies, making me a versatile full-stack web developer.I am dedicated to constantly expanding my knowledge and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. I believe in the power of collaboration and enjoy working in teams to create exceptional websites and applications.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Divyamala Tiwari and I'm a full-stack Web Developer located in Kanpur. I've done remote projects for agencies, consulted for startups, and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for both business and consumer use.

I have successfully delivered numerous projects, demonstrating my ability to meet deadlines while maintaining high-quality standards. I take pride in my attention to detail and strive for excellence in every aspect of my work.


My Skills

Data Structure & Algorithms

Projects I have successfully completed a project utilizing a comprehensive tech stack that includes JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, RESTful APIs, GitHub, AWS S3, HTML, CSS, React.js, and Postman. This project involved the development of a web application with seamless integration of back-end functionalities, efficient data storage, and secure API communication. It showcases my proficiency in a wide range of technologies and my ability to deliver robust and scalable solutions.

Software Screenshot

Blogging Site Project

This project is basically for the Blogging Site. In this project, we had to create 2 Model like Author Model and Blogs Model. First we need to create author and authors can create their blog. Real time example of this project is LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

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Real Time Chat App

Real-time chat is an online communication channel that allows you to conduct real-time conversations. It involves the transmission of live text messages from the sender to the recipient.

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E-Commerce Site

This project is based on the E-commerce website and Cart Management. In this project, we had to create 4 Model like User Model, Products Model, Cart Model and Order Model. First, we need to create User. Then add products. After that User can add product in their cart which user wants to buy. And finally, user can order those products from Cart.

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Flipkart, a prominent e-commerce platform in India, has leveraged the MERN stack to power its web applications. MERN, which comprises MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, provides Flipkart with a robust and efficient foundation for backend development and frontend rendering.

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Facebook Incubator

Facebook Incubator is just for Facebook’s own projects. But, everyone can take the advantage of open projects being pushed here. It will not only provide repos, but also a new way of thinking while working with open source projects.

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BlockChain Minor

Blockchain is a way of recording peer-to-peer transactions in a distributed public ledger. The Blockchain Minor explores the fundamentals of the public (and private), transparent, secure, tamper-resistant, and distributed databases known as blockchains.

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Contact I look forward to collaborating with you on exciting web development projects and making a positive impact in the digital world. Let's create something remarkable together! If you are interested in connecting with me, please feel free to fill in the details below